Whenever a person's driving privileges have been suspended for one year for either refusing a breath test OR blowing over 0.15% following a DUI arrest, after 90 days of such suspension, the driver may apply to the division ($100 application fee) for such person's driving privileges to be restricted for the remainder of the one-year suspension period to driving only a motor vehicle equipped with an ignition interlock device and only for the purposes of: 1) getting to and from: Work, school or an alcohol treatment program; and 2) the ignition interlock provider for maintenance and downloading of data from the device. It is a simple process to apply and obtain the Permit; however, you must install the interlock in your vehicle in order to validate the Permit. I encourage all my clients to get the Permit so that they can drive legally. Law enforcement officers will look for the interlock device in the car after reviewing the Permit handed to them by the driver. For the most part, law enforcement is not overly concerned about where or why you are driving. Rather, they focus on the interlock and whether you have installed it in the vehicle. There is a monthly cost involved for the device, usually in the range of $70-$75.
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